On Common Dungeon Practice

I. Stockpiles vs. Dungeon Booty

A. Definition

1. Stockpiles: the culmination of the clan's resources--surplus reserved for future consumtion, rations, (i.e. gold, reagents, weapons, armor, food, etc)

2. Dungeon Booty: the culmination of the clan's or an individuals total loot retrieved from a group adventure (i.e. gold, reagents, weapons, armor, food, etc)

B. The Handling of Dungeon Booty

1. Common Practice

a. It is "Common Practice" not a clan "Law," or "Sanction," that whenever a group adventure takes place that the loot retirieved from each person is systematically divided "equally" among the total number of individuals involved in the said adventure. This is neccessary for several reasons, mainly this will limit members from making mad srambles for the loot and conflicting over what was recovered from corpses etc. As there are many who will be in combat at anyone time a creature, player, etc. the confusion lies in what each person is "entitled" too, and that ultimately is an equal share.

2. Methods

a. Usually when a creature, monster, beast, animal, another player is slain they will have significant items on the corpse. The person nearest to the corpse should then proceed to take the items and place them within a separate bag, pouch, pack, etc. and set that aside for distribution later on. I recommend quickly dying a pack a specific color, lets say gold--wow what a concept, before heading out to a dungeon so u may designate that pack solely for the recovered loot. Once the adventure comes to completion, everyone meets at a designated spot to distribute the loot. At this point one may wish to sell there wares (i.e. gems, armor, weapons etc) as to convert it to coin and bring that to the rendeavor place, or you may choose not to depending on the circumstances. It is strongly recommended that everyone sell there hard items and covert it to gold before distribution. At this point everyone with loot drops there share into a pool and counts up there share of the booty. From this point on it becomes a matter of third grade mathematics-- take the total NET value and then divide it among the number of people on the adventure. This number is the value that each person should receive. Any other items of interest may be distributed at this point as well.

C. Clan Morality

1. Honor and Trust: although this method may at first seem crude, it is one which requires the trust and honor of everyone involved, as the Lady Skye once said "if it thats not what you are looking for you missed out on a great game." The idea here is to promote a working relationship between every clansmen, and establish a certain trust in everyone around you. If this something which you feel yourself questioning from time to time I suggest becoming an NPC, or hang in there as trust is something earned not given away.

D. Common Misconceptions

1. Contribution: this is something which the title Najur and higher are responsible for any member of lower stratum is not responsible for contributing to the clan, but may so chose to do so from time to time (for more information see Clan.)

2. Stockpiles vs. Dungeon Booty: these items are paradoxical as they are contradictive yet at the same time fit together. Dungeon loot is not the clans stockpile--although it may at some point enter that catagory--it is simply the the loot in which a character has earned and is entitled to, and should not be confused with the clans Stockpiles.


-Composed by Odd