The Tuatha De Danann
are a people rich in history, ceremony, and magic.
Some believe us to be myths or daemons but it is not
so. We are an honorable and valorous group that move
like a deep mist across the lands of Chesapeake
and seek to bring peace and prosperity in the way of Danu,
Giver of Life. We have a sincere respect for the land
and give unto it as it hath given to us. The TDD
help all honorable beings in need and have no
tolerance for abuses of the land or of attacks on
other peaceful folk. Although a small group we can be
seen traveling with other prominent guilds and
advising them in the ways of the land. It is our goal
to bring enlightenment to this world and enjoyment of
what the Gods give to us without hinderment of other
evil souls. The TDD will fight for
any just cause and will die to the last for any
member of the clan. To join with us is to enter into
a family that will protect and provide for you with
all that we can! May Danu Bless you.
Tuesday, July 27,
1999 |
HAIL all! TDD and TC please meet at
the TDD Training Hall at 9:00 pm Wednesday July 28th!
Thursday, June 10,
1999 |
Hail all...
there is yet another occurence of evil beasts
deliberetly attacking the clan of Tuatha De
Danann. just last night while the clan was
leaving the Ice Dungeon a horde of vile Orcs
and Ettins ambushed the clan at the
enterence. These beasts although were not as
fortunate as the Dragon Lord was. Also..
later on that night in Pax Lair, Auldek and I
were also attacked by what seemed to be a
possesed black panther. Be prepared lads... i
have a feeling much worse is to come.
- Corwin

Friday, June 4, 1999 |
I heard the call
of Danu but scant hours before the brave
heroes of the land gathered to help Seer
Kristos. She had warned of something but her
voice was not clear. Journeying to Aryslan I
sent out the mental call to my kin. After a
time Clan Elder Corwin arrived at my side.
"Ah, Elder Druid Auldrek, I have not
seen thee in some time"
Nodding respectfully I explained that
research at times makes one scarce, keeping
the truth carefully hidden.
"Where are the others?" I asked.
Grimacing Corwin responded, "They are a
little busy" Turning about he stared out
into the forest, "Nature has
been...disturbed, as if a bad storm is coming
yet...." He let his words trail off.
Together we stood on the brink of
understanding when Seer Kristos arrived.
We journeyed with a small army to many places
obtaining seals so that Kristos could open an
ancient crypt which would reveal his past.
Finally the moment came and the krypt was
opened. I heard a voice in my head and tried
to listen but I could not seem to
concentrate. Looking at Corwin I could see
him in the same state of concentration. Then
Her voiced screamed, "My Children seal
the crypt! Seal it before..." Too late!
Danu's voice was cut off as a Dark Pressence
escaped from the crypt. Dragons swooped in
and attacked one heading directly for Corwin
as he came out of his concentration. Unable
to run He drew his mighty Halberd and stood
his ground as fire engulfed him. I, swept
aside by a great sweeping of the beasts
massive wing, rose and hurled two energy
bolts at the beasts head but it was too late
for Corwin. Then rushing to his body the
beast turned it's eyes upon me ignoring the
other warriors clustered about it. Holding my
staff before me I stood over Corwin's body as
the beast fell upon me. I met each clew with
my staff and returned a painfull jab into its
opened eye blinding it with blood before it's
gaping maw closed down upon me. My staff
shattered even as my thoughts. Darkness fell.
As we drifted in the spirit world awaiting
ressurection we could hear the unholy
laughter of the Dragon Lord echoing
"...and I shall have sovereign dominion
at last upon this world and Danu and all
other petty Gods will be displaced. You of
the Tuatha De Danann are only the first to
die! Muhahahhaha"- Auldrek

Tuesday, April 27,
1999 |
Hail all! We
shall join together tonite to summon the
powers of Danu to enlighten and guide the
clan. Please meet at the Clan hall at 9:00 PM
- Corwin |

March 21, 1999 |
Hail all. I have updated the
link to the clan board. I have not made the
changes to the other pages of this site yet, so
use this page only for now. Also, please remember
that it is necessary to log onto Sitepowerup
before you can access the board. Until I have
come up with some system to make that easier it
may be necessary to open sitepowerup first and
login there, then use this link. Also you must
have an account at sitepowerup and then give me
your ID# so that I can add you to the list.
Monday, January 25,
I have removed the "Clan
Temp" message board since the regular
message board is back up and running.
Also, I am planning on moving
some of the older news on the main page to a
separate page. An archive page if you will. If
anyone knows of any reason I should not do this,
let me know.
Please Remember! We need as
many people as possible on Tuesday at 9PM! From
what it looks like, we have a level 4 map. Tyl
and I were on two Level 3 hunts last night, and
from how that went, I am guessing we will be hit
VERY hard.
Thursday, January 21,
Hail all.. As you may, or may
not have noticed, the Clan messageboard has been
messed up for a while.
This has kinda upset me, so I
decided to set up a temporary messageboard. It is
listed on the side, right under the public board
as Clan Temp.
Also, you may notice that I
have changed the date bar... I thought I would
try to give it a more "Celtic" look.
(Hmm.. the perfect blend of green and orange)
Friday, January 15,
Greetings and things of that
nature. Just a quick message to inform you all
that I, Trazal Memornix, will now also be working
on the web page.
Hopefully with two people
working on it, we will be able to keep it all up
to date. So, if you have any comments or
suggestions, feel free to also bug me about it.
Monday, December 28,
So sorry for the long delay in
updating this page. Im going with the 'busy
holidays' excuse. TDD is still as strong as ever.
Though there has been some confusion with the
guildstone matter, I assure you it shall be fixed
quickly if I have to page every GM in the game. I
hope that everyone is settled with there houses,
we are still looking for a new spot for the clan
hall, so keep your eyes open, I'm not sure how
many spaces the exact footprint is, but I'll post
it when I have it.
There is a clan party planned
for tuesday the 29th. It will be held at my
tower, please ICQ me or Auldrek or Tyl if you
dont have a rune. Its at 8pm eastern time.
December 11, 1998 |
Hail all. Today I would like to
announce some rather good news. Tomorrow,
Cionaodh Niall, Oak Guard of Danu and recipient
of the Torc of Strength, will be wedded to the
fair Lady Deborah. May your days be filled with
endless joy!
I know that I speak for Danu
and the rest of the clan when I say Hail,
Congratulations, and the best of wishes!
Friday, December 4,
1998 |
I have updated the kinsmen
section with Corwin's info. I'm still waiting for
info from some people, you know who you are!
My account is active once again
also. I still have no idea what the problem was
or is. And the funny/scary thing is, neither does
OSI. *shrugs* oh well.
Tuesday, December 1,
1998 |
Quick reminder to all members,
first Tuesday of every month is mining day. That
would be today! Please meet at the trinsic guard
tower(next to the old bank) at 8pm with shovel in
The vote section has been
updated to reflect all of the votes I have gotten
so far.
Friday, November 27,
1998 |
I have added a link to the
Woodland Elves webpage in the Links section. Go
have a look at that very well done site.
Though this is a few days late,
I would like to welcome the two newest members
into the clan. Corwin and Knight-Angel. Welcome
brothers, may you serve Danu well, and may she
provide well for you!
Congratulations to Trazal and
Niall for ascending to the rank of Oak Guards,
and acquiring your awards. Kudos! Well earned!
Congratulations also go to Tyl for his award of
the Ring of Lug!
I have uncovered an old
manuscript depicting the early origins of the
Tuatha De Danann. I have posted this for all to
read, you can find it in now the the Lyceum
The vote section has been
updated with the most current topic. This one
concerns our involvement with CCoV. Please stop
by, take a look, and cast your vote.
Tuesday, November 24,
1998 |
I have added several features
to the site. One of which is the long overdue
Join link. There people who are interested in
joining the clan can find the information that
they need to send us in order to begin the Trial
of the Eye. That link can be found at the top of
all major sections of the site next to the news
link. I also placed the clan charter at the top
of this page. This will hopefully be the first
thing that visitors see when coming here. And
lastly I updated the Events section. It is now
easier then ever to view what is going on with
the clan as well as update clan events. It is all
Java run now. The first time you visit you may
have to wait a bit to download the Java class
file. Subsequent visits will not require as long
of a wait.
Thanks to Eldar Auldrek for
updating the Join section and writing the
Updated the Zendella episode
with notes from Trazal. If anyone else has notes
to contribute on last nights happenings that are
not already there send them to me.
Monday, November 23,
1998 |
I have posted some info about
the nights adventure in the news section. Mostly
just pics now, but more to come. :)
Nice work on everyone's part
especially Trazal. Hail!
Last modified: 07/27/99
This site is best viewed in 800 x 600,
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All original
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